Unlimited Sciences

The power of US

Collective research exploring the unlimited potential of psychedelics

Unlimited Sciences is a nonprofit organization that conducts real-world psychedelic research and provides cost-free direct support to those wanting to learn more about psychedelics. We believe everyone should be empowered to safely take their health into their own hands. Whether you're seeking help, a provider, or an advocate for psychedelics, having access to accurate information and data shouldn’t be complicated.

Latest Updates

Unlimited Sciences Publishes Psilocybin Research on Mind Perception and Religion

Our latest manuscript in collaboration with Johns Hopkins University, Naturalistic Psilocybin Use Increases Mind Perception but not Atheist-Believer status: A Prospective Longitudinal Study, has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Psychoactive Drugs. Download and read our preprint here.

Unlimited Sciences Publishes Ayahuasca Research on Psychological Health

Our manuscript, Long-term Benefits to Psychological Health and Well-being After Ceremonial Use of Ayahuasca in Middle Eastern and North African Immigrants and Refugees, has been published in Frontiers in Psychiatry. The full publication is now available online through open-access. 

Unlimited Sciences Launches World’s First Info Line for Psychedelic Education

Unlimited Sciences is proud to pioneer the Psychedelic Info Line, the world’s first toll-free evidence-based education line for safe psychedelic exploration. Our Info Line will operate Monday through Thursday, 8AM – 5PM MST. Read about our Info Line in The Denver Post or read our press release

What We Study


Our longitudinal research study in collaboration with Johns Hopkins University of real-world psilocybin use is the world’s largest study of magic mushrooms. It enrolled over 8,000 participants around the world


Our longitudinal study of ceremonial ayahuasca use was the world’s first study to examine health outcomes of ceremonial ayahuasca in a group of women refugees and immigrants from the Middle East and North Africa.


We proudly partner with the Realm of Caring Foundation to examine the health outcomes of cannabis. Our observational research registry is the world’s largest registry of the health effects of medicinal cannabis use.

Functional Mushrooms

In a joint investigation with the Realm of Caring Foundation and Lily’s Lighthouse, Unlimited Sciences is launching an IRB-approved study examining the therapeutic potential of functional mushrooms such as Lion’s Mane and Reishi.

Our Latest Published Research

Long-term benefits to psychological health and well-being after ceremonial use of Ayahuasca in Middle Eastern and North African immigrants and refugees

Our findings revealed ceremonial use of ayahuasca in Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) populations is associated with significant improvements in mental health, well-being, and psychological functioning, including reductions in depression, anxiety, and shame, and increases in cognitive reappraisal and self-compassion. Most participants reported no lasting adverse effects and experienced notable positive behavioral changes persisting months after ingestion.


Download the PDF here.


Published in Frontiers in Psychiatry

Naturalistic psilocybin use is associated with persisting improvements in mental health and wellbeing: results from a prospective, longitudinal survey

This prospective, longitudinal study comprised six sequential surveys that collected data from adults planning to take psilocybin outside clinical research: at time of consent, 2 weeks before, the day before, 1–3 days after, 2–4 weeks after, and 2–3 months after. Results from this study, the largest prospective survey of naturalistic psilocybin use to date, support the potential for psilocybin to produce lasting improvements in mental health and general wellbeing.



Naturalistic Psilocybin Use Increases Mind Perception but not Atheist-Believer status: A Prospective Longitudinal Study


We observed increases in mind perception across a variety of living and non-living targets (e.g., plants, animals). However, we found little to no change in metaphysical beliefs (e.g., dualism) or Atheist-Believer status. Taken together, these findings contrast with those from cross-sectional studies that psychedelic experiences result in changes to Atheist-Believer status and non-naturalistic beliefs but support the relevance of mind perception and mentalization.


Download the PDF here.


Published in PsyArXiv



Shame, guilt and psychedelic experience: Results from a prospective, longitudinal survey of real-world psilocybin use

Acute experiences of shame or guilt occur commonly with psilocybin, are generally mild in nature but also range to more severe, and are predicted by younger age (for both shame and guilt) and higher trait anxiety (for shame only). In this sample, approximately two-thirds reported some degree of guilt or shame during psilocybin use. Psilocybin on average produces small but enduring decreases in trait shame within the context of largely purposeful and intentional use. 


Download the PDF here.


Published in PsyArXiv



Our Partners and Collaborators

Questions & Answers

Unlimited Sciences is a psychedelic research nonprofit that uses the power of data to serve the community, educate the public, and inform common-sense practices and policies regarding psychedelic use. At Unlimited Sciences, we’re focused on driving psychedelic research forward, and our goal is to capture observational data in real-world settings and share these results with the public. It’s estimated that over 32 million people have used some form of psychedelics in the U.S. alone. Our goal is to access this knowledge, mitigate harm and reduce stigma through education.

Unlimited Sciences conducts IRB (Institutional Review Board) approved observational studies on psychedelic medicine and provides one-on-one direct support through our email-based Community Support platform. We partner with leading research institutions such as Johns Hopkins University (JHU), the University of California San Francisco (UCSF), and Imperial College London (ICL) to gather real-world data on how psychedelics are being used, and the benefits and risks associated with them. Whether you’re seeking help, an advocate working in psychedelic legislation, or a health care provider seeking evidence-based research to inform best practices around psychedelics use, we’re here to support you.

With the primary goal of improving outcomes and reducing harm by offering comprehensive information on natural psychedelics, the Psychedelic Info Line navigators share knowledge from an extensive research library of peer-reviewed studies with data sourced from thousands of participants worldwide, including the world’s largest naturalistic psilocybin study sponsored and conducted by Unlimited Sciences. Serving as a critical resource that no other organization provides, the Psychedelic Info Line offers informed answers to help people with their inquiries and make decisions before psychedelic use.

It’s estimated that in the United States alone, around 10% of the population, or over 32 million people, have used psychedelics. By even the most conservative estimate, over 99% of these uses have taken place in a naturalistic setting (outside of clinical research). Observational studies observe participants in their normal environment (outside of a clinical setting) and observe how participants’ actions affect their health in real-world situations.


The data collected in observational research is often used to identify patterns or associations between different variables and to generate hypotheses or ideas that can be tested in clinical trials. In other words, observational research is often a first step in the research process. Observational research does not involve intervention or manipulation of variables, while clinical trials do.  This means that observational research can be less invasive and less risky for participants.


Observational research is not just retrospective, but can be used to observe changes in health outcomes over time. Results from observational studies are regarded as a critical indicator of how outcomes translate to clinical practice. Both observational research and clinical trials are important tools for advancing scientific knowledge and understanding the world around us. 

Psychedelics can benefit many individuals. Prior to widespread regulatory restrictions in the 1960s and early 1970s, serotonergic psychedelics such as lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and psilocybin were studied extensively. This included investigation of possible therapeutic uses of psychedelics to treat a variety of conditions, including alcohol dependence, neurosis, and existential distress. By 1965, there were more than 2,000 published articles involving over 40,000 patients that noted positive effects with various psychedelics. In recent years, research has reemerged and has begun to recognize the therapeutic potential of psychedelics to produce lasting improvements in mental health symptoms related to anxiety, depression, and substance misuse. Beyond its potential for treating psychiatric conditions, research in healthy volunteers suggests psychedelics may hold benefits more generally for psychological well-being and to enhance spiritual practices such as meditation.

In collaboration with Johns Hopkins University, Unlimited Sciences conducted the largest real-world, longitudinal study of psilocybin in the world. This study followed participants through their psilocybin journey, beginning with baseline measures capturing health outcomes prior to psilocybin use, and continuing for up to 3 months after psilocybin use. Our results show that a single moderate dose of psilocybin mushrooms was associated with significant improvements in mental health, well-being, and psychological functioning. In addition to our psilocybin study, Unlimited Sciences conducted the first study of its kind to examine health outcomes of ceremonial ayahuasca use in a group of primarily women refugees and immigrants.  

If you’re trying to learn more about psychedelics to educate yourself, make more informed decisions around your health, or prepare for a safe journey, our team can help. Using our own data and an extensive library of evidence-based research, we can help guide you to find answers for your questions through reliable research from peer-reviewed scientific publications. This support service is intended for educational purposes only, and should not be used as a substitute for medical advice. Unlimited Sciences always recommends when and wherever possible that licensed local healthcare professionals be consulted.


In addition to our research, we our proud to offer the world’s first toll-free information line for education on psychedelic preparation.

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