


Impactful real-word studies are at the heart of Unlimited Sciences

All Psychedelic Research

Scroll through our research to discover Unlimited Science’s studies and their impact on psychedelic science.

The future of psychedelic research.

We’re creating a collection of real-world data on psychedelic use so that we can better understand how to use psychedelics safely and effectively.


Our studies combine real-world lived experiences with the rigorous standards of academic research and bring this data back to the community.


Our research partners include leading institutions such as Johns Hopkins University, University of California San Francisco, Imperial College London, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Harvard.

Naturalistic Psilocybin Usage and Race

This study of naturalistic psilocybin usage found significant differences in persisting psilocybin effects in the domains of spiritual wellbeing, cognitive flexibility, and expressive suppression  for White participants vs. Participants of Color. 

Psychological Benefits of Ayahusca for Refugees

This longitudinal study gathered data on ceremonial ayahuasca use in a group of Middle Eastern and North African immigrants and refugees. Our findings revealed that ceremonial use of ayahuasca is associated with significant improvements in mental health, well-being, and psychological functioning.

ayahuasca brew in a pot
dried psilocybin mushrooms

Psilocybin and Religious Beliefs

After non-clinical psilocybin consumption, we observed increases in mind perception across a variety of living and non-living targets (e.g. plants, rocks). However, we found little to no change in metaphysical beliefs (e.g. dualism) or Atheist-Believer status.

Our Process

We use data-based methods to collect data from people using psychedelics in the real world. We publish our findings to inform public perception, education, policy and practices.


The genesis of Unlimited Sciences began in 2013 when a group of mothers demanded access to medical cannabis for their children and started the nonprofit, Realm of Caring. Seven years later, they now have the world’s largest database on real-world cannabis usage and continue to help families improve their quality of life.


In light of the recent rebirth of psychedelic research, in late 2018, the founders of Unlimited Sciences saw a similar need: To collect scientific data and testimonials about how people use psychedelics in their lives. Unlimited Sciences as a psychedelic research nonprofit that combines the power of data and lived experiences to serve the community, educate the public, and inform common sense practices and policies.


Realm of Caring Foundation Inc 501(c)(3) is a fiscal sponsor of Unlimited Sciences.

Our Research Collaborators

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