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Minorities’ diminished psychedelic returns: Cardio-metabolic health



Although there is a growing support for the protective factor of psychedelics to improve mental and physical health, these effects may differ across racial and ethnic groups. Race differences remain a critically understudied gap in psychedelic literature. Recent empirical research into Minority Diminished Psychedelic Returns suggests that Black Americans may gain little health benefits from psychedelic use. This study tests race differences in the association between Lifetime Classic Psychedelic Use and multiple indicators of cardio-metabolic health including cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and Body Mass Index. This project uses pooled data of Black and White adults respondents from the National Survey of Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) (2005 to 2019) (N =421,477). The analysis includes a series of logistic and ordinary least square regression models conducted in Stata 18. Results demonstrate that Lifetime Psychedelic Use is associated with better cardio-metabolic health. However, regression models by race find that there is no association between LCPU and cardio metabolic health for Black people, while the positive associations remain significant for white people. Overall, results lend support for the MPDR theory

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