

Can microdosing magic mushrooms result in better outcomes in being a parent and partner?

Can microdosing magic mushrooms result in better outcomes in being a parent and partner?

Evidence on microdosing remains limited (read more information about the current state of microdosing on our blog). Microdosing refers to the practice of using serotonergic hallucinogens, also coined under the name of psychedelics (e.g., LSD and psilocybin mushrooms), by repeatedly ingesting doses that do not reach the threshold for perceptual alterations with the purpose of improving wellbeing, emotional state, and cognitive function (Kuypers et al., 2019). Although quantitative data is mixed and our understanding of the effects of microdosing are still limited, when examining microdosing effects reported, three recent qualitative studies reported alleviation of depressive and anxiety symptoms, better pain management, increase in creativity, energy levels or focus (see Pop and Dinkelacker, 2023).
Related research has shown that full-dose psilocybin significantly increased emotional empathy compared with placebo (Pokorny et al., 2017). Psilocybin may therefore increase the ability of sharing the emotional state of another person (implicit emotional empathy) and the experience of sympathy and prosocial attitudes towards others (explicit emotional empathy). Empathy plays a significant role in parenthood, and perceived parental empathy predicted more adaptive self-functioning in children (Nevelyn et al., 2010). Similarly, in couple relationships, perceptions of empathy have a significant influence on relationship satisfaction across time (Busby and Gardner, 2008).
Additionally, self-reported evidence from our recent large-scale study of psilocybin showed that psilocybin can result in significant and lasting improvements in relationships with others.
In summary, while evidence on microdosing is unclear, some anecdotal accounts indicate positive outcomes in the relief of stress and ability to be present in parenthood. For full-dose psilocybin, research indicates psilocybin may increase emotional empathy, which is positively associated with child-parent and couple relationship satisfaction.
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