

Should I take psilocybin with my eyes covered or eyes open?

Should I take psilocybin with my eyes covered or eyes open?

Regarding eyes-open versus eyes-covered, while psychedelic-induced visual effects can occur with eyes-open or eyes-closed, visual alterations under classic psychedelics can include rich phenomenological accounts of eyes-closed imagery (Stoliker et al., 2022). In fact, a recent investigation of neuronal oscillations for psilocybin-induced spiritual experiences, suggested that compared with eyes-open, eyes-closed conditions involved additional neuronal network processes associated with insightfulness and spiritual experiences (Kometer et al., 2015).


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Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider before undertaking a new health care regime. Unlimited Sciences does not give or substitute for medical advice. The products and services discussed are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent or treat any disease. Please click here to read our full disclaimer.

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